Thursday 30 August 2012

healthy cooking oil for frying

Olive oil ranges in colour from green to golden and also in flavour from very mild to very strong. The differences in the types of oils depend on the type of olive, the region in which they were cultivated and also the time of harvesting. The olives must be picked at exactly the right time otherwise the extracted oil could either be too bitter or too rancid.

Saturday 18 August 2012

healthy cooking oil chart

Different oils fill different needs — for health, taste and cooking. For good health, our bodies need a variety of healthy fats found naturally in different oils. This guide will help you choose the right oils for baking, sautéing and frying — and explains which ones are healthiest used raw.

healthy cooking oils frying

If you have recently used a large amount of cooking oil for deep frying, and are uncertain of how to safely dispose of used cooking oil, here are a few useful tips: Used cooking oil should be allowed to cool properly before one can safely dispose it. Used cooking oil can often be reused a few times before disposal if it is strained properly and stored correctly. One should never, ever dispose used cooking oil by throwing it down a drain. If used cooking oil is accidently disposed down a drain one should never use hot water and soap to try and wash it down as the used cooking oil will cool and stick to the drain pipes and block the drain or even the sewer further down.

what cooking oil is healthy

Many restaurants generate a great deal of waste, in terms of used cooking oil and grease. Traditionally, these restaurants have paid to have their cooking oil and grease waste picked up and treated, safely away from their places of business. Today, however, enterprising green businesses realize the value and potential of vegetable oil for producing healthy bio-fuel, and will pay restaurant owners and managers for their waste oil and grease. Turning used vegetable oil into all-natural bio-fuel has never been so easy, and contacting WVO Recycling can not only turn a former waste product into a profit-earning resource, but it will also help promote an energy source healthy to the environment and locally produced, reducing our nation’s reliance on foreign oil and energy resources.